The Path of Orthodoxy
Winter 2015
Vol. 50; No. 1
- St. Sava's Sermon on the True Faith
- In the Days of the Fast, Fr. Dragan Kainovic
- Editorial: Diaspora - The Scattering of God's Children as the Seed of His Teaching
- Book Review
- News: Archbishop Jovan Released, St. Sava Merrillville 100th Anniversary, more
- Youth Pages
- Serbian section
- Much more
Fall 2014
Vol. 49; No. 10
- Interview with Archimandrite Metodije of Monastery Hilandar
- 5th Assembly of Bishops Held in Dallas
- Editorial: A New Way Down an Old Path
- Gratitude to our Retired Editors
- Clergy Brotherhood Meet in Libertyville
- Planning a St. Sava Day Program
- Youth Pages
- Serbian section
- Much more
June 2014
Vol. 49; No. 6
- Communique from the Holy Assembly of Bishops
- Appeal from the Assembly of Bishops for Serbian Floods
- Bishop Maxim Makes Third Canonical Visit to Mexico
- Editorial: We Pray for Consolation, Strength and Guidance....
- V. Rev. Stavrophor Marko Todorovic Celebrates 50th Anniversary
- In Memoriam
- Youth Pages
- and much more
September 2012
Vol. 47; No. 9
Vol. 47; No. 9
- Serbian Patriarch Irinej at New Gracanica
- Youth Gathers in Boston for 7th Annual Conference
- Eastern Diocese Day in Shadeland
- Editorial: The Difficulties of Modern Day Family Life
- Bishop Maxim Sends Delegation to Alaska Pilgrimage
- Official Statement on Upholding Unity in the Church
- Our View
- and much more
February 2012
Vol. 47; No. 2
Vol. 47; No. 2
- Monasticism Conference Held in Monastery Zica
- 6th Annual Winter Retreat in Eastern Diocese
- IOCC Marks 20 Years
- The Missing Child, by Fr. Thomas Kazich
- Editorial: Another Holy Season, Another Opportunity to Enter into Communion with God
- Christmas in Cincinnati
- Youth Pages
- and much more
December 2011
Vol. 46; No. 12
Vol. 46; No. 12
- Patriarch Irinej in America
- Eastern Diocese Hold Annual Clergy Seminar
- Standing Committees Hold Meeting in Chicago
- Editorial: New Opportunities in God's Vineyard
- St. George Schererville Marks Century
- McKeesport Celebrates 110 Years; Blessed New Window Icons
- Our View
- and much more
October 2011
Vol. 46; No. 10
Vol. 46; No. 10
- Western American Diocese Recalls Founding of First Serb Diocese
- Chapel Slava Celebrated at Eastern Diocese
- Niagara Falls Kolo Celebrates Slava and 75th Anniversary
- Editorial: The Many Benefits of Fasting
- Fr. Daniel Mackay Ordained Presbyter
- Camp 2011 at New Gracanica
- Our View
- and much more
July/August 2011
Vol. 46; No. 7-8
Vol. 46; No. 7-8
- Bishop Longin Celebrates Pentecost at Chicago Cathedral
- Second Meeting of Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of America
- Bishop +Sava Remembered at Anniversary of Passing
- Editorial: Graduations Give Thoughts for Parish Education
- Why Not "Open" Communion?
- Charity - The Most Beautiful Path to God
- Our View
- and much more
June 2011
Vol. 46; No. 6
Vol. 46; No. 6
- Communique of the Holy Assembly of Bishops
- Serbian Patriarch Sends Condolences to Japan
- Shadeland Camp and Diocese Day Planned
- Editorial: The End of our Lives
- V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba: Every Parish is a Mission Parish
- St. George Celebrated in Schererville, San Diego and Hermitage
- Our View
- and much more
September 2010
Vol. 45; No. 9
Vol. 45; No. 9
- Metropolitan Christopher Reposes in the Lord
- Patriarch Irinej's Statement on Passing of Metropolitan
- Eulogy delivered by Bishop Georgije
- Eulogy delivered by Bishop Mitrophan
- Editorial: Life in Christ with Perseverance and Hope
- Shadeland Church Consecration
- Cross Raising in Denver
- Youth Pages
- and much more
July-August 2010
Vol. 45; No. 7-8
Vol. 45; No. 7-8
- North American Hierarchs Meet in NY
- Consecration of St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church in North Carolina
- Editorial: In Loving Submission
- Shadeland Church Consecration on August 8
- Life of St. Simeon of Dajbabe
- On the Work of the First Episcopal Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of North America
- Deanery Education Meetings Held in East
- Youth Pages
- and much more
June 2010
Vol. 45; No. 6
Vol. 45; No. 6
- Communique from the Holy Assembly of Bishops in Belgrade
- Chisholm Church to Celebrate 100th Anniversary
- Editorial: The Church Adds Two More Saints to the Calendar
- Serbian Church Glorifies Fr. Justin Popovic, Fr. Simeon of Dajbabe
- Life of Venerable Fr. Justin Popovic
- Vidovdan
- Youth Pages
- and much more
December 2009
Vol. 44; No. 12
Vol. 44; No. 12
- In Remembrance: Serbian Patriarch Pavle - 1914-2009
- Editorial: Patriarch Pavle, A True Servant of Christ and a True Father of his flock
- A Spiritual Giant Goes to God
- Metropolitan Amphilohije's Funeral Sermon
- Parastos Service in Shcererville for Patriarch Pavle
- A Peacemaker has Departed Among Us
- Youth Pages
- and much more
September 2009
Vol. 44; No. 9
Vol. 44; No. 9
- The 20th Triennial Sabor/Assembly
- Guest Editorial: The Church is One and Indivisible
- Commentary: The Miracle in Canton
- Sabor Statement on Kosovo
- Sabor Statement on Its Work
- New Gracanica-Midwest Holds Special Assembly
- Fr. Grgurevich Reposes in the Lord
- Youth Pages
- and much more
July-August 2008
Vol. 43; No. 7-8
[Download Serbian section of the Path here]
Vol. 43; No. 7-8
[Download Serbian section of the Path here]
- Bishop Teodosije of Liplje Visits Western Diocese
- Clergy Brotherhood Meet in New York City
- Editorial: Marriage - This We Hold Sacred
- Lenten Women's Retreat in Jackson CA
- In Memoriam: Protonamesnik Milivoj Djordjevic
- Successful Stewardship: Overcoming the "Dues Mentality"
- "Our View" Youth Pages
- and much more
April - May 2008
Vol. 43; No. 4-5
Vol. 43; No. 4-5
- Paschal Epistle 2008
- Editorial: The Reign of Life Has Begun
- Pan Orthodox Triumph of Orthodoxy Vespers 2008
- Sunday of Orthodox in Los Angeles
- On the Illustriousness of the Priesthood
- Clergy Confessions: Western and Eastern Dioceses
- IOCC Marks Milestone in Bosnia
- Youth Pages
- and much more
November 2007
Vol. 41; No. 11
[download Serbian section of the Path here]
Vol. 41; No. 11
[download Serbian section of the Path here]
- Four Circles of Serbian Sisters Banquet
- Clergy Brotherhood Meeting
- Successful Stewardship
- Editorial: "The World is Left to the Young"
- We Are Shadeland
- Youth Pages
- and much more
May 2007 Issue
Vol. 41; No. 5
Vol. 41; No. 5
- Homily on the Ascension of our Lord
- Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovitch to return to America
- Editorial: Seeing God's Image in Others
- Commentary by Bishop Maxim "Ecclesiological Provincialism
- Compared to the Church's Conrete Unity"
- Summer Camp + You = A Lifetime of Memories!
- "Our View" Youth Pages
- and more